Instagram’s “Made with AI” tag has been replaced with “AI Information” after complaints from photographers

Monday, Meta Advertise “We are updating the ‘Made with AI’ label to ‘AI information’ across our apps, which people can tap for more information,” the company said in a statement, after people complained that their photos had the label incorrectly applied. Former White House photographer Pete Souza pointed to the label that appeared when uploading a photo originally taken during a basketball game 40 years ago, and speculated that using Adobe’s cropping and straightening tool may have caused it to appear.

“As we’ve said from the beginning, we’re constantly improving our AI products, and we work closely with our industry partners on our approach to AI labeling,” said Kate McLaughlin, Meta spokeswoman. The new label is supposed to more accurately represent that content may simply be edited rather than making it look like it was created entirely by artificial intelligence.

The problem seems to lie with metadata tools like Adobe Photoshop apply to images and how platforms interpret that. After Meta expanded its policies around labeling AI content, real-life images posted to platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Threads were labeled “made with AI.”

You may see the new label first on mobile apps and then in the web view later, McLaughlin says. the edge It started spreading across all surfaces.

Once you click on the label, you’ll still see the same message as the old label, which has a more detailed explanation of why it’s applied and that it can cover images that were either generated entirely by AI or edited using tools that incorporate AI technology, like generative fill. Metadata tagging technology like C2PA was supposed to make it easier and more straightforward to tell the difference between real and AI-generated images, but that future is not here yet.

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