Israel’s War on Gaza Live: 12 Killed in Israeli Airstrike on ‘Safe Zone’ | News

Israeli authorities are set to approve or move forward with the construction of more than 6,000 new housing units in dozens of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, the Israeli Peace Now group said.

Israel’s High Planning Committee, the defense body responsible for planning settlements, is scheduled to hold two days of talks on the massive expansion plan today and Thursday, after which approval is expected, according to Peace Now.

“It is clear that the current government’s primary goal, from its decisions to its actions, is to dismantle any possibility of a political solution between Israelis and Palestinians,” the rights group said.

The report added that “since the beginning of the war, the Israeli government has focused all its efforts on construction, development and investment in construction throughout the West Bank.”

“The continued construction of settlements, along with the decision to establish new settlements deep inside the West Bank and to transfer planning powers from the army to [far-right Finance Minister Bezalel] The group added that “the actions of Smotrich’s officials will lead to a disaster for Israel and the region.”

“This government has no popular support and must be overthrown to save us from total destruction and perpetual war.”

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