Israel’s war on Gaza live: Endless Israeli bombing shows no sign of ceasefire | News of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Chris Gunness, a former spokesman for the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), said that including the Israeli army on the UN “blacklist” of countries that harm children will increase the country’s isolation and further reduce its international standing.

“This is Israel’s ultimate list of shame because killing children violates an absolute taboo,” Gunness told Al Jazeera.

“Some of the groups and countries on this list include Boko Haram and ISIS [ISIL]Al-Qaeda, Russia, Myanmar. “This puts Israel on the list of some of the most egregious regimes and groups in the world,” Ganis said. “Hamas and Islamic Jihad are there too, including, by the way, Israeli settlers because of the things they are doing in the West Bank.”

“Given the totality of what we are seeing in terms of accountability mechanisms: we have the International Court of Justice – the International Court of Justice – the International Criminal Court. We have reports coming from the Human Rights Council. I think as things pile up, Israel’s isolation and pariah status will continue, and will continue to be emphasized.” “.

He added: “I think it will have consequences when people see the totality of what is going on.”

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