Putin presents car enthusiast Kim Jong Un with a luxury limousine and a dagger on a visit to North Korea

What does a dictator bent on world domination give another? Limousines, tea sets and daggers of course.

During his first visit to North Korea in nearly a quarter-century this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin came bearing gifts for authoritarian leader Kim Jong Un — the big reveal being a Russian-made Urus limousine.

Kim – who is said to be a major car enthusiast and collector – smiled as he jumped into Putin’s side as he drove the limousine and they set off on the highway side by side.

Kim Jong Un drives his new Urus Senat, alongside Vladimir Putin. Via Reuters
Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin went for a fun, laughing ride together in a limousine together on Wednesday Paul/AFP via Getty Images

They appeared to be driving through a manicured parking lot, at one point stopping to switch spots so Kim could take the wheel and drive off.

The car is the latest in Kim’s collection, which includes several Mercedes cars, a Maybach limousine, and a Rolls-Royce Phantom. According to the BBC.

In February, Putin gave Kim his first Urus limousine – the Russian leader’s official presidential car.

Putin also presented Kim on Wednesday with a Russian Navy dagger and a tea set, which Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov described as “very beautiful” to Russian state media.

The pair haven’t played with the dagger, but they do have plans to hold a tea party — though it’s unclear if a tea set will be used in the affair.

In exchange for the generous gifts, Kim presented Putin with some works of art, which Ushakov described as “very good gifts” and “related to… [his] Portrait.” The art reportedly included more than one bust.

Ushakov told Russian news agency TASS that Kim’s gift to Putin was “rather skillful.”

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Aurus Senat is a full-size luxury sedan produced by Russian automaker Aurus Motors and developed by NAMI in Moscow, Russia. Gavriel Grigorov/Sputnik/Kremlin Bull/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
The couple drove around the manicured parking lot, at one point switching seats during the trip. Via Reuters

Putin was welcomed to Pyongyang with great fanfare on Wednesday, with the two leaders embracing smiling as balloons flew around them, crowds cheered and posters bearing their faces were plastered across the city.

A ceremony is expected for the leaders, who met privately for about two hours.

During their meeting, Kim offered “full support” for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, while pledging to strengthen diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Kim is believed to be supplying the Russian war with ballistic missiles, and it has been speculated that the ongoing meetings could expand any munitions arrangements currently in place.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un leave an Urus after a trip in Pyongyang, North Korea, June 19, 2024. Via Reuters

US and South Korean officials fear that Russia, in return, would hand over technology to boost North Korea’s nuclear program. On Wednesday, the two countries signed a joint defense agreement and pledged to help each other confront aggression.

“The new axis of evil in the 21st century is still taking shape before our eyes. The agreement between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un promises mutual aid if either of them faces ‘aggression,’ but the world knows,” former Vice President Mike Pence told The Washington Post on Wednesday. Indeed, who are the aggressors?

“As these new alliances form between enemies of freedom, America must not retreat from its role as leader of the free world. Now, more than ever, we must continue to lead the free world against the aggression and threats of authoritarian regimes in Russia, North Korea, Iran, and China.

With mail wires

On Wednesday, Putin and Kim signed a joint defense agreement, agreeing to defend each other in the event of an attack. Paul/AFP via Getty Images

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